The Future of Events and the Evolving Role of Trust in Business

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Celebrating innovation in the cannabis industry at Vienna’s inaugural Cannabis Startup Award! đŸŒ± The event highlighted the promising future of cannabis events in Europe, focusing on quality interactions over sheer size. Kudos to Fridge Grow for their visionary approach to democratizing cannabis cultivation. As the industry evolves, such startups pave the way for sustainable and personalized solutions. Here’s to a thriving future for cannabis in business and society! đŸ’ŒđŸŒż

Cannabis Innovation Blooms in Vienna

Vienna, Austria – At the recent CULTIVA fair, a prominent hemp event in the German-speaking region, history was made. This event was the venue for Austria’s very first Cannabis Startup Award, affectionately termed the “Broccoly Award.” The aim was to recognize innovative startups that strive to grant cannabis the societal acknowledgment it truly merits.

Spotlight on Cannabis Startups

The highlight of the award ceremony was a pitch competition. Here, three finalists had the chance to present their innovative solutions, products, and business models to both an enthusiastic audience and a panel of expert judges. Evaluation was based not just on the innovativeness and economic feasibility of the presented projects but also on the delivery and engagement level of the pitches.

Fridge Grow: A Visionary Startups

Emerging victorious was Fridge Grow, a dynamic cannabis startup from Freistadt. Their concept? Democratizing and simplifying cannabis cultivation through compact fridge-integrated growing systems. This innovation allows users to cultivate their plants right at home. Considering the fluctuating legal stance on cannabis in Europe, this could be a significant step towards self-reliance and environmental consciousness.

Preparing for the German Markets

A win at the Broccoly Award doesn’t just come with recognition. It also ensures heightened visibility and backing for Fridge Grow as they strategize their expansion into Germany. With ongoing debates about legalizing recreational cannabis use in Germany, the startup is strategically positioning itself to be a key player in a potentially burgeoning market.

More than Just an Award: Fostering Conversations around Cannabis

The Cannabis Startup Award is not just a competition; it’s a beacon highlighting ingenious ideas within the cannabis sector. With rising acceptance of cannabis, both medically and socially, perceptions are shifting, unlocking opportunities for inventive ventures like Fridge Grow.

The Future of European Cannabis Events: A Curated Perspective

The face of cannabis events in Europe is witnessing a paradigm shift. Gone are the days of events solely focused on cannabis. Today’s events cast a wider net, inviting professionals from diverse sectors. This not only brings fresh viewpoints but also encourages cross-industry collaboration. At the heart of every successful event lies the core objective of nurturing connections. Larger events, irrespective of their grandeur, often fall short in this arena. Participants, given limited breaks and overwhelmed by the crowd, seldom have opportunities for meaningful interactions.

The takeaway? Bigger isn’t always better. The trend leans towards smaller, curated gatherings of high-caliber individuals – like the Cannabis Summit last weekend in Leuven, Belgium. Such events prioritize quality over quantity, ensuring participants engage in deeper, insightful discussions rather than just exchange business cards. The Cannabis Startup Award aligns with this trend and is poised to expand its recognition across the German-speaking and global landscapes.


Vienna’s inaugural Cannabis Startup Award did more than just provide a platform for innovators like Fridge Grow. It sent out a resounding message: the cannabis industry is here to stay and thrive. As the world increasingly seeks sustainable and personalized solutions, cannabis startups are presented with a golden opportunity to be pioneers, charting fresh paths in both business and societal landscapes.

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