Cannabis Startups Deal Room

Join our network of Investors and Founders

Since 2019, Falk Altenhöfer (Founder) been immersing in the thriving cannabis industry, initially navigating through the venture with a close-knit group of business angels. Today, the door swings wide open, inviting YOU to join this exciting journey!

We’re unlocking a digital arena where INVESTORS, like you, encounter the creators crafting the future of the cannabis industry — and all without stepping outside your door!

MAKERS, this is your platform to pitch to strategic partners and investors who are not just curious but committed to catapulting your ventures into realms of success and sustainability.

As an Investor, imagine receiving a curation of pioneering MAKERS, delivered straight to your inbox, while also being given the exclusive opportunity to meet, interact, and potentially collaborate with them in our quarterly online pitch-meetups!

2. Lock in your Deal-Flow

Showcase your Venture


3. Follow-Up


Founders from all backgrounds

Series-A Raiser, VC Cases for IPO, and talented Enterpreneurs from the black market and Founders with a track record attend Deal Room events. View some of the Founders on

“The service of Falk is my gateway for scanning all tech products, agi-tech, and brands + services within the cannabis industry in Israel, Colombia and Germany to know what’s going on. My goal was always looking for companys where I can bring my own value of my prortfolio companies to cross-sale products!”

Mattias Götz

Investors from all backgrounds

Angels, VC’s, and Family Offices attend Pitch Room

More than technology

Founders specialize in all growth areas including health care, digital media, food, consumer goods and more.

Find the right Founders Fit
Deal Room is a service by for investors to learn about great ideas that can grow exponentially, in any industry.
Value Chain
In the Cannabis Industry it all can change quick. Thats why we are focusing into the whole value chain. Grow in Colombia, R&D from Israel and margins from Germany

Join us and reach out!

We are looking for a small group of unique information seekers who wants to be part of the Cannabis Journey!

*We are currently building a AngelTrack Program in diverse industry. Apply now to become a mentor in your niche/field of knowledge

Copyright © 2024

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Do you want to get the first Applications of Cannabis Startups? No problem.

BRIEFCASE helps us to market your Venture to Founders and reach out in German, English, and Spanish!

Your Cannabis Startup Scout

I know how Founders feel, I’m still one of them. I love to support people who are intrinsical of creating beautiful impactful solutions for mother earth and society.

This year I support Founders in Israel, Germany, and Colombia to build relationships between this continents.