German Cannabis Legalization

Is cannabis a medicinal product or a lifestyle choice? Is this the problem in every discussion?

The never ending story, depends on whom you ask. While Karl is hoping, the legalization of cannabis is not making progress. Health Minister Karl Lauterbach’s flagship project is currently being stymied by his own party. From the perspective of SPD interior policy experts, details remain unresolved, such as issues related to police checks. Impatience is […]

Is cannabis a medicinal product or a lifestyle choice? Is this the problem in every discussion? Read More »

Cannabis in Germany

SPD Aims to Pass Cannabis Law ‘Promptly’

Introduction As the global trend towards cannabis legalization gains momentum (today for sure in the US), Germany finds itself at a crossroads. The debate surrounding the legalization of cannabis in the country has sparked intense discussions, with various political factions and law enforcement agencies weighing in. This article, intended for readers of outside Germany,

SPD Aims to Pass Cannabis Law ‘Promptly’ Read More »

Current Developments and Challenges in M&A in the Biotech Sector by Peter Homberg

The year 2024 looms as a potential landmark for Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) in the Biotech sector, influenced heavily by the changing dynamics of the financial markets and the evolving landscape of industry regulations. This period is poised to witness an increase in strategic consolidations, driven by the necessity of adaptation among companies facing the

Current Developments and Challenges in M&A in the Biotech Sector by Peter Homberg Read More »

Cannabis Legislation in Germany: A Crossroads of Hope and Controversy

In the midst of a turbulent political landscape in Germany, the proposed cannabis legislation for 2024 stands at the heart of a heated debate. As a demonstration advocating for the decriminalization of cannabis unfolds in front of the SPD party conference in Berlin, a strong opposition emerges from various medical and educational associations, along with

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Cannabis Legalization in Germany: A Rocky Road with Unexpected Delays

In a surprising turn of events, the much-anticipated final vote on cannabis decriminalization in the German Bundestag has been postponed, much to the disappointment of the cannabis startup community. Despite earlier announcements by Dr. Kirsten Kappert-Gonther, Chairwoman of the Health Committee, that the bill would be passed in December, the SPD parliamentary group has now

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Cannabis Revolution: Germany Approves Cannabis Legalization with Relaxed Regulations

Germany has reached a pivotal moment in its drug policy with the finalization of its Cannabis Legalization Law, set to significantly relax previous regulations. The newly agreed-upon law, as confirmed by the drug policy spokesperson of the Green Party, Kerstin Kappert-Gonther, will be pushed through the Bundestag during the 50th calendar week of December 11-15,

Cannabis Revolution: Germany Approves Cannabis Legalization with Relaxed Regulations Read More »

Expert Symposium: Spotlight on the Health Committee’s Crucial Hearing

As Germany stands on the brink of a significant policy shift with its planned cannabis legalization, CEOs and business developers in the European cannabis market must pay close attention to the evolving discussions and expert opinions. This evening, a public hearing in the Health Committee of the Parliament will feature a range of experts, whose

Expert Symposium: Spotlight on the Health Committee’s Crucial Hearing Read More »

UPDATED TIMELINE – The first of April? Or not? Maybe even in 6 months?

As Germany approaches a pivotal moment in its approach to cannabis legalization, the industry stands at a crossroads, weighing the benefits of rapid enactment against the need for comprehensive legislation. The proposed legalization, set for January 1, 2024, is currently under intense debate, with key stakeholders from the cannabis industry, legal experts, and political decision-makers

UPDATED TIMELINE – The first of April? Or not? Maybe even in 6 months? Read More »

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